Time to read: 1 minutes

Do you have a favourite Skyscraper website? I’ve added links, and brief descriptions to all the entries under the poll. If I’ve left any of your favourites out, please let me know in the comments section. Otherwise please cast your vote in our skyscraper website poll…

Authoritative news site for Skyscrapers worldwide – The London Skyscraper section can be found here…

Vast Skyscraper forum covering just about every city on the planet! The London section can be found here

News and Info site. The London page can be found here…

Daily architecture news about buildings from around the world, with a section dedicated to London Skyscrapers

Huge collection of skyscraper diagrams, and a substantial forum

Skyscraper Life

Comprehensive Skyscraper Forum, including rankings, diagrams and fun and games, with UK Skyscrapers featured here

How to choose the best location for your London office in 5 easy steps
From The Knowledge

How to choose the best location for your London office in 5 easy steps

Trying to decide where best to locate your London office? Follow our 5 easy steps to identify the best office location for your business.

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For more essential tips and advice, have a look at The Knowledge - and for answers to your questions about London office space, check out our FAQs.

Completed Deals

40 desk office in Aldgate acquired for a tech company

Acquired 6 person office in Baker St for leading tech company

5 desk office in Clerkenwell acquired for an energy company.