Time to read: 1 minutes

My previous post suggested companies looking for new office space can make substantial savings if they are lucky or shrewd enough to find an office that has already been designed and fitted out. I received quite a response on this subject and the majority were similar enquiries:

  • How much can I actually save by doing this?
  • Open plan may be preferable anyway if the saving is not significant.
  • What is the cost of decking out each individual work station?

Well, without wishing to glibly answer how long is a piece of string? I have come across a  canny office design and fit out contractor called PPC, who have made a name for themselves advising tenants how to adapt new office space all over Central London to meet their requirements. As they are always completing a variety of projects, they are able to give good cost comparisons.

I mentioned my previous blog post to them and they have kindly agreed to give indicative cost estimates free of charge to Find a London Office Blog readers. Mention Find a London Office to them to receive your free estimate. You can find them at http://www.ppcllp.com/.

6 ways to save money on office space in London
From The Knowledge

6 ways to save money on office space in London

If your business is based in London, running an office is probably one of your biggest costs, second only to staff salaries. Here are our top 6 tips to save money on London office space. Some of them may seem obvious, but when our clients consider all of them, we have always helped them make significant savings.

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For more essential tips and advice, have a look at The Knowledge - and for answers to your questions about London office space, check out our FAQs.

Completed Deals

5 desk office in Clerkenwell acquired for an energy company.

Acquired 6 person office in Baker St for leading tech company

40 desk office in Aldgate acquired for a tech company