Time to read: 2 minutes

Moving into new London office space can be an overwhelming experience – there are so many items to remember, is frighteningly easy to overlook something important . This list isn’t all-inclusive (and not all items may be relevant to your needs), but it’s a useful starting point. You can of course add items to the list that may be particular to you and your company’s operation.

Checklists are proving to be an ongoing theme here at Find a London Office. We’re big fans of them because they really work and make life easier. If you want your move to be as smooth as possible, we cannot recommend them highly enough. It’s just another “to do” list really!

We’re big fans of them because they really work and make life easier. If you want your move to be as smooth as possible, we cannot recommend them highly enough.

  1. Building survey: is one required?
  2. Survey of mechanical and electrical equipment: is one required?
  3. IT and Telecoms: who will provide and install this?
  4. Fibre: Does fibre already come into the building / office and who is providing it? If you need to install extra, you will need the landlords consent to do this.
  5. Satellite dishes: do you need them? Again this involves the landlord
  6. Furniture: do you already have enough? Can you source more?
  7. Removals: Contact a suitable removal company.
  8. Rating: contact the rating authority to check the assessment. Do you need to appeal against it?
  9. Insurance: contact your brokers to make the necessary arrangements
  10. Space planning and fit out: select a specialist fit out company.  To make alterations to the building or space you will need the landlords consent
  11. Stationary, website, social media and corporate branding: update with your new contact details
  12. Corporate branding:take the opportunity to rebrand or improve your existing branding
  13. Change of Address: Tell the authorities, your clients, suppliers and employees about your new contact details
  14. Managing Agent: Introduce yourself and check the management regime. Make arrangements for access. Check the system for paying your rent and service charge.
  15. Security: Check the security arrangements are going to be adequate for your needs. If not contact a specialist
  16. Utilities: contact any direct suppliers
Serviced office or conventional lease? A beginners guide
From The Knowledge

Serviced office or conventional lease? A beginners guide

Learn the key differences between serviced offices and a conventional lease to help you decide what's best for your business.

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Completed Deals

5 desk office in Clerkenwell acquired for an energy company.

40 desk office in Aldgate acquired for a tech company

Acquired 6 person office in Baker St for leading tech company